Research Paper: Predictive Value of Base Deficit, Serum Albumin, and C-reactive Protein/Albumin Ratio for Mortality in Severe Burn Patients

Siamak Rimaz, Ali Shabbak, Abbas Sedighinejad, Talat Kaviyani Jebeli, Parissa Bagheri Toolaroud, Ehsan Ghiasy Nick, Negin Rahimzadeh, Sanaz Masoumi


Burn patients are at risk of serious complications, including sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and organ dysfunction, despite advancements in medical treatment. Early prediction and management of sepsis and acute inflammation and the identification of high-risk patients are crucial for the improvement of outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate the prognostic value of serum albumin, base deficit, and C-reactive protein (CRP)/albumin ratio (CAR) in severe burn patients. In a retrospective analysis of 195 patients with 20%-80% total body surface area (TBSA) burns admitted to the burn intensive care unit (ICU) at Velayat University Hospital from April 2018 to April 2021, serum albumin, base deficit, and CAR were measured upon admission. Significant differences were observed between survivors and non-survivors in terms of serum albumin levels (3.05±0.56 vs. 1.89±0.69 g/dL), base deficit (3.36±2.15 vs. 10.62±1.71 mmol/l), CRP (20.95±29.33 vs. 54.62±46.29 mg/L), CAR (7.73±11.52 vs. 36.80±35.59), and length of ICU stay (2.75±2.51 vs. 6.45±4.50) (P<0.001). Multivariate logistic regression indicated that unlike CRP, serum albumin levels (P=0.045), base deficit (P=0.001), and TBSA (P=0.046) were significantly associated with increased mortality. As evidenced by the obtained results, serum albumin, base deficit, and CAR are linked to adverse outcomes and may be valuable tools for risk stratification, identifying high-risk patients, and guiding early interventions in burn patients. Further research is needed to validate these findings and explore the underlying mechanisms.


Burns, C-reactive protein, Inflammation, Prognosis, Sepsis, Serum albumin

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Copyright (c) 2025 Siamak Rimaz, Ali Shabbak, Abbas Sedighinejad, Talat Kaviyani Jebeli, Parissa Bagheri Toolaroud, Ehsan Ghiasy Nick, Negin Rahimzadeh, Sanaz Masoumi

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